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Регистриран на: Вто Фев 15, 2022 10:29 am
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Hi to all on the forum . I am an Englishman living near Bansko and have an year 98 Impreza WRX .

The car was driven over from UK around 7 + years ago and was totalled whilst parked on the street .
Since then the car has been in my garage as I wanted to keep the engine and running gear for a project. Things have changed and I now wish to sell the remains of this car.
The body shell is no good
The engine is good and understressed as the car had an automatic gearbox. The car is fitted with P1 OZ prodrive wheels in 18 inch fitment and I remember to fit them a big brake kit from maybe a year 2005 STI were fitted .3 of the wheels are straight and one is damaged . All will need painting.

My questions are ....any idea how much the engine and wheels /brakes are worth ? and where is a good place to sell them.

thanks in advance


Вто Фев 15, 2022 10:42 am
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Регистриран на: Вто Дек 18, 2007 11:26 pm
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Местоположение: София
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Several ways to sell it:

1. Take pictures and post it here on the forum in the section "Продава" ( for Sale ), with price per item.
2. Try one of the salvagers / service shops in Sofia - biggest salvage yard is Imperia, there are a couple of garages ( so called white service pit stops ).

As far as the value goes, my best guess would be less than 1k euro for the car, if you want get more you will have to take it apart and sell it a piece at a time.

good luck

Вто Фев 15, 2022 10:48 am
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